Bachelor of International Relations at Istanbul Arel University: $3,350/year (After Scholarship)
The mission of the Department of International Relations (English) is to graduate students who are equipped with the necessary knowledge in international relations and global politics, who think critically and analytically, question and are solution-oriented. In the department’s four-year multidisciplinary program, our students understand the complexities of national and international political life and explore the diversity of actors, identities, cultures, issues and political interactions inland and abroad.
In addition to various field courses such as International Relations Theories, International Law, Foreign Policy Analysis and Turkish Foreign Policy; The syllabus of the department includes regional studies courses on the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific, as well as courses on peace and conflict, security, environment, migration, strategy, gender, etc.
Within the scope of the program, our students are encouraged to conduct research and development, take innovative initiatives in politics and international relations, and are given opportunities to participate in social responsibility and social development support projects.
As a department, we aim to ensure that all our students are prepared for the future by taking on tasks such as administrator, presenter, moderator, panelist / speaker and editor in courses and related scientific / academic activities. In this context, panels, workshops and conferences are organized by the students of the department, and an English-Turkish magazine called Arel IR Monthly, which deals with developments in international politics, is published.
Students of the department improve their foreign language by taking all the courses in English. In addition, students are offered opportunities to get to know other cultures, meet different academic perspectives and gain international experience through Erasmus+ and internship programs.
Graduation projects, which are the final product of four years of education and training in our department, are prepared as original works of students under the guidance and support of academic advisors. Students develop their creativity, analysis, visual design and communication, software/program competencies when preparing their projects and presentations. Presentations of graduation projects are held in front of a large audience and posters are displayed.
Our graduates can continue their academic careers and find job opportunities in universities and various educational institutions inland and abroad. Graduates who want to pursue an academic career are encouraged to continue their education in master’s and doctoral programs. Interaction with our students continues after graduation.
As the Department of International Relations (English), we declare that we are committed to excellent education and are committed to helping our students grow as socially and ethically responsible citizens and creative leaders of the future.