Bachelor of Nursing at Acibadem University: Tuition Fee: $4.800/year (After Scholarship)
Nursing is an applied health discipline based on scientific knowledge. It has a multi-faceted responsibility and role for the individual, family and society in meeting the needs such as care, relaxation, healing and information that people need at every stage of their life process.
Nursing interventions applied in today's health care environment are carried out with the use of evidence based on research results. In order to meet the needs of the individual, family and society, the nurse initiates and makes clinical decisions in line with his knowledge. In order for nursing care to be effective, safe and adequate, interventions must be carefully and critically evaluated. All these reveal the necessity of continuing the theory and practice of nursing professional education with contemporary methods, with a philosophical belief in the uniqueness of the human being.
Aiming to train qualified manpower, Acıbadem University Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department; As in the training programs of all disciplines based on practice, theoretical knowledge and clinical experience are integral parts that complement each other. At Kerem Aydınlar Campus, which is equipped with modern technology that supports its philosophy, vision, mission and nursing education values, we put it into practice in university hospitals by providing training with simulation laboratories and equipment, where each student can transfer their theoretical education into practice.
As a result, the department aims to train world-class nurses who can provide excellent evidence-based care to the patient/healthy individual.