Bachelor of Pharmacy at Biruni University: Tuition Fee: $10,800/year
Our faculty also plays an important role in structuring pharmacy values among professional organizations, consumers, patients, policy makers, media, and all healthcare professionals and in bringing graduates into business life.
Our faculty, with its strong academic staff and infrastructure, takes an active role in all processes from the production and development of pharmaceutical raw materials to delivery to the patient, contributing to the development of health and ensuring the correct use of the drug; It aims to train 8-star pharmacists who are leaders, think critically, adopt lifelong learning and human-oriented service as a principle, take responsibility, and have universal and ethical values.
With the dynamic and innovative undergraduate program created within the scope of the National Core Education Program (CEP) , our faculty uses advanced training methods to train Pharmacists who can contribute to patient literacy and who can work in all areas of the profession. All kinds of vocational knowledge and skills are provided to students with applied courses and 6-month compulsory and additional elective internship programs carried out in laboratories equipped with modern equipment and devices.
In addition, students are directed to fields of interest with elective courses, and they are provided with the opportunity to graduate from our faculty with unique equipment and find a job. In order for the graduates who want to receive Clinical Pharmacy Education to be successful in the Pharmacy Specialization Examination (EUS), an intensive patient-oriented training program including clinical pharmacy/pharmaceutical care concepts and practices is given in the 4th and 5th years. Free preparation courses are organized to prepare students for events such as making presentations at congresses and congresses .
Our faculty aims to train qualified researchers who will create added value for the Turkish Pharmaceutical Industry, world science and the academic field by enabling volunteer students to work with the " Pharmaceutical Design and Development " doctoral program, which is a first in Turkey, and within the scope of research projects supported by Tübitak. Structuring studies in accordance with quality standards for all programs that contribute to pharmacy education, including Specialization in Pharmacy, Erasmus+ and the European Qualifications Framework, are renewed every year.