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Bachelors of Arts (BA) in Logistics Management at Istanbul Okan University: Tuition Fee: $4.500/year (After Scholarship)

Together with globalization, consumer purchasing behaviors have been rapidly changed and developed. Today many companies are in a strong competition to be able to present different products simultaneously and in low price.

Supply chain is a series of activities which contains life cycle of related products ranging from designing level to consumption. Because of that, supply chain strategy is different for every product. Planning, harmonizing, executing, tracking and controlling activities are all constitute supply chain management. With sustainability of industrialization, free trade, placement of technology in all business line and gradually growth of market have increased the need of successful supply chain management.

Logistics is composition of planning, performing and controlling of movement of every kind of satisfactory goods and services from starting point to moment of consumption for an efficient and effective flow and storage. Since logistics companies in Turkey historically had performed in transportation sector, logistics has been regarded as transportation generally. However, besides transportation, logistics has included so many activities such as storage, packaging, custom clearing, insurance and value added services.

Recently, supply chain and logistics concepts have gained intense importance. Facilitation and liberalization of trade via increased globalization has major effect in this importance. Supply chain and logistics concepts are complementary of each other and one of the most substantial problem in mentioned area is the lack of educated employees.

Through targeting to reach sectorally integrated objectives, Okan Logistics and Transportation, by means of qualified education system, has approached students to business world via so many activities by making current communication between sector and academy. Okan Logistics and Transportation has regarded entrepreneurship and innovation as program output and educated graduates who realized to learn. Contemporary and technological instruction methods have widely been used; learning possibilities in Chinese, Russian and Arabian languages have also been presented together with English. A beginning capital has been provided for new entrepreneurs with entrepreneurship courses. Besides all, following points are some of the qualified reasons to study Supply Chain and Logistics in Okan;

  • Supply chain and logistics sector compatible program and lecture content,
  • Professional lecturers from supply chain and logistics sector,
  • Supply chain and logistics sector intended projects and research subjects,
  • Working in sector just before the pre-graduation term,
  • Supply chain and logistics sector operation intended obligatory internship,
  • Panel and forums by participation of professionals from supply chain and logistics sector,
  • Supply chain and logistics intended technical trips,
  • One or two term education in foreign universities,
  • International supply chain and logistics internship,
  • Limitless volunteer internship in supply chain and logistics sector,
  • Job-related advisory in supply chain and logistics,
  • Career advisory in supply chain and logistics.

Due to the foregoing characteristics of Okan Logistics and Transportation education, graduates are easily able to find a job within short time in several areas. Some of these areas be to worked in are international transportation and distribution firms, storage and customs clearing departments, import and export firms, manufacturing factories, international trade firms, air and sea cargo firms, finance and logistics departments. In mentioned departments, graduates have been able to work in various positions such as supply chain manager, purchasing specialist, stock and inventory manager, logistics manager, customer relation manager, business development specialist.

Addition to all, as Okan logistics and Transportation, some of the companies we work in collaboration are as follows:

As Supply Chain and Logistics are becoming a strategic function for businesses, studying Supply Chain and Logistics Management in Okan Logistics and Transportation is a noticeable investment for future

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