Bachelors of Arts (BA) in Management Information Systems at Istanbul Medipol University: Tuition Fee: $4,675/year (After Scholarship)
As a discipline, Management Information Systems (MIS) is the combination of Information Systems (IS), Management, and Computer Science. So, MIS department is an inter-disciplined program.
Information Systems has become an attractive professional field as information technology develops every day and takes its place at almost every institution and organization. Merely judging it by job advertisements and industry positions, we may better assess the importance of IS courses and departments at schools that include IS in the title. This discipline is fully supported by not only academic positions but also research and professional journals in IS, international IS associations (eg. AIS, UKAIS,) and conferences (eg. ICIS, ECIS, PACIS, AMCIS) etc.
Through the program our main aim is to educate and prepare our students for a career in both academia and industry by enhancing them with IS and management knowledge and skills. We teach and train our students so that they may maximize their potentials fully.
In this sense, our program includes courses like Programming Languages, Web Design and Internet Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Management Systems, Systems Analysis and Design, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence which are all related to IS and Computer science and also courses like Statistics, Production Management, Operational Management, Marketing, Financial Management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Game Theory which are related to Management. On the other hand, thanks to our compulsory industrial training program for one semester (8th Semester) , our student have a chance to unite their theoretical knowledge with practice in the industry.