Bachelors of Arts (BA) in Marketing at Istanbul Bilgi University: $7.200/year (After Scholarship)
As a result of the intense competition felt in all fields, the impact of globalization on local firms, technological changes paving the way to an increase in product differentiation and consumer awareness, marketing has become the most crucial management function of companies/organizations. Based on this fact, İstanbul Bilgi University has formed a unique undergraduate program with concentration in marketing. By the academic year 2013-2014, the program will be admitting its first year undergraduate students.
The aim of the undergraduate level marketing program is to offer students, who have a solid background in management and business, a thorough marketing education specializing in topics such as brand management, services marketing, pricing, distribution channels, marketing communication, marketing research and global marketing. In this increasingly competitive global environment, marketing undergraduate program aims to educate and train innovative, competitive, intellectual, marketing managers with proficiency in foreign languages who will gain success in local and global markets.
Additionally, in our age due to creating distinctive competencies, companies that are bounded to have marketing orientation as a corporate culture, experts working in different functional areas must have an understanding of marketing technology and contribute to the long term vision of their companies. In all sectors, providing this marketing orientation and also possessing experts specialized in marketing area, the firms will be able to have a stronger hold within the global arena.