Bachelors of Psychology at Uskudar University: $5,095/year (After Scholarship)
What Is The Psychology Department?
The education of Psychology department aims to provide multidimensional approach to topics handled in academical and clinical standards and critical thinking skills. Clinical experiences which proceeds academical education aims to strengthen the ability of applying these acquired knowledge dynamically.
With the education of research methods, it provides students with skills such as critically evaluating research-execution and related researches. The general field of education from theory to practice; courses such as research, project and social responsibility and elective courses that can be taken from different departments provide students with the opportunity to synthesize a course program specific to them.
Doing a Minor According to the Field of Interest
The education approach that supports interdisciplinary collaboration encourages minor studies by offering a multidimensional and global perspective on behavioral health and the opportunity to take joint courses between departments and substantial elective course alternatives.
Through this approach, the students of the psychology department are prepared for their professional lives with a wide range and holistic education. It aims to train students as innovative-entrepreneur-developer individuals who can use academic knowledge and clinical experience effectively, who can respond to Turkey's needs and problems in theoretical and practical fields, who are well equipped, hardworking and conscious of work ethics.
The Unique Education Model
As Turkey's first and unique thematic university in the field of behavioral sciences and health, an alternative education model is implemented with the synthesis of psychology, philosophy, health, genetics and engineering. The features of this model are:
- Combining academic and clinical education with the ‘University-Hospital Collaboration Model’,
- Obtaining techno-initiative infrastructure that combines technology with field of behavioral sciences and health,
- Carrying a non-pathological perspective, focused on individual health and well-being,
- Integrating an approach of traditional therapeutic background with alternative psychological models,
- Performing work sensitive structure to social and cultural structure of Turkey, with a vision caring about protective effects of social and cultural values on individual and social well-being
- Aiming to produce science based on world standards with the idea of creating Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary education culture, which is determined by professional standards and emphasized by ethical values,
- Executing an interdisciplinary approach to field of behavioral sciences and health.