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Doctoral - PhD in Media Studies at Yeditepe University: Tuition: $10000 USD Full Program (Scholarship Available)

As we entered the 21st century, mass communication has developed in a tremendously fast pace and gained an esteemed spot in our social relations. Media as much as influences the development process, is also influenced by it. Academic studies, which are realized in order to point out the domain linked to media covering the areas such as political and economic interests, ideological marketing, consciousness management, have an important and growing role in social sciences. Field of media studies - that focus on theories and research within contexts of history, economy, politics, and culture - is an interdisciplinary field of social sciences.

Media, as a research subject, requires a comprehensive analysis due to its influence on every measure of our social relations. Thus, research conducted in this field depends on a thorough review on a vast domain consisting economy, politics, culture and ideology within the context of theoretical background and methodologies specific to media studies. Therefore, Yeditepe University Media Studies Doctoral Program is built with compulsory and elective courses which allow students to analyze media as a part of a social system while providing them a concrete scientific basis that would guide them as they contribute to the scientific field with the academic studies they conduct.

Students who have completed their educations need to take courses which are

  • 4 Compulsory
  • 3 Free Elective
  • 1 Seminar (Non-Credit)
  • Thesis Proposal, Ph.D Qualifying Exam, and Thesis

in order to graduate from program. Doctoral program would be completed with 21 Yeditepe credits and 240 ECTS credits.  Doctoral program is minimum 4 years (eight semesters), maximum 6 years (twelve semesters) in length. Students who successfully complete their courses, graduate with a thesis.

Students who complete Media Studies doctoral program may progress in the academic field or find a prestigious professional post in the media business.

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Current price Application fee: $0.00