Master of Arts - Agricultural Trade and Management (Thesis) at Yasar University: Tuition Fee: $7.200 Full Program (Scholarship Available)
MA in Agricultural Trade and Management (Thesis/English)
The value chain of the agricultural sector, covers small producers, big farms, intermediary institutions, supply chains and other related industries at different levels and in various forms. The participation of these institutions and organizations in the value chain and the contributions of the sector producers, generate numerous employment opportunity in food processing, distribution and marketing of these agricultural products and supports economic growth in emerging markets. On the other hand, these type of developments are also important in terms of solving problems such as the fight against hunger and food security at the global level.
Concepts such as; food safety, efficient use of natural resources, environmental problems, minimal waste, recycling, energy efficiency and circular economy affect the business environment and management, consequently companies in the agri-business sector struggle to be successful and keep their profitability and existence under these competitive conditions. To be successful in the abovementioned environmental, economic and social conditions, it is necessary to adapt changing conditions of global competition, develop and implement strategies in order to take advantage of global and local opportunities and defeat the threats.
The realities of agriculture and food industries designate the need for a global transformation by achieving a new managerial approach for the agri-business sector, under the presence of the factors such as new technologies, new knowledge basis, new sources of finance, managerial tools and innovation.
Agri-business and Trade graduate programs have been designed in order to train and educate university graduates to meet the qualified personnel requirements of agricultural and food sectors, which is also among the priority areas of the Council of Higher Education. The program offers three options: Turkish-without thesis and English-with thesis and without thesis. Managers and employees of private and public institutions and organizations operating in the agricultural sector, sector investors, municipalities, cooperatives and all other stakeholders of the sector can participate in the programs.