Master of Arts - International Relations (Thesis) at Yasar University: Tuition Fee: $7.200 Full Program (Scholarship Available)
The aim of the Master of Arts (M.A.) in International Relations Program is to provide its graduates with the fundamental principles of international relations, and the skill set to evalute international relations from multiple viewpoints and the academic competence to develop in-depth analyses in the field. The program, thus, targets training graduate students who are competent both in domestic and foreign policy, masterful in conceptual and theoretical perspectives, specialized in their field, capable of analytical thinking and adapting to the dynamics of globalization processes, and equipped with the necessary academic tools to compete in the international arena.
Programme structure
The medium of education in the M.A. Program in International Relations is English. The successful completion of the program requires submission and approval of a Master’s Thesis as well as having completed 8 courses totalling at least 21 credits in the alotted time period indicated in the Graduate Education Directory.
Career opportunities
The Department of International Relations prepares its students for a wide range of job opportunities in terms of employment facilities, individual interests and preferences. Our graduates may find employment in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other public agencies, in local agencies of the European Union, in international organizations and their regional agencies, in research centers and civil society organizations, in regional or local offshoots of multinational corporations (MNC), in consulting companies, in local and international banks, media and communication companies, or they may develop an academic career by enrolling in MA and PhD programs in universities abroad or in Turkey.