Master of Arts & Social Sciences - Visual Arts & Visual Communication Design (Non-Thesis) at Sabanci University: Tuition: $19500 USD Entire Program (Scholarship Available)
Over the past century, and acceleratedly so during recent decades, visuality has become pervasive in all aspects of life due to the proliferation of media based communication devices which can be observed to have a strong basis in visuality. Thus the mission of the VACD program is to provide the student with an in-depth understanding of visuality and its applications to the domains of Visual Art and Visual Communication Design. However, our efforts go beyond a sole understanding / application of the visual fields themselves in that we also seek to bring about their integration with other creative output such as sound design, new media output and temporally based works implemented through the diversified building blocks of our curriculum.
Obtaining the Master of Art degree of the VAVCD program at Sabancı University involves a rigorous study which combines studio work in art and design study related to these fields, and which form the two main tracks of the program. Thesis degree requirement is a fully articulated art or design project or with a written theoretical dissertation which revolves around a cohesive query, concept or topic that can be applied to at least one of the two areas of investigation of the program, and which as a finalized product is expected to be presented to a jury at the end of studies.
Thesis degree requirement is a fully articulated art or design project which revolves around a cohesive query, concept or topic that can be applied to at least one of the two areas of investigation of the program, and which as a finalized product is expected to be presented to a project supervisor at the end of studies.While students may choose to remain solely within any of the two main tracks indicated above, due to the increased nature of hybridization in the overall field of art, design and related theory we also make provisions for hybrid projects/written theses which spread themselves out over two or more of these fields, or combine the expertise and methodologies of them into novel outcomes which reside at their intersections.
Our faculty is comprised of a strongly committed group of individuals, whose output and recognition well extends into the international arena of art, design and theory; and a significant number of whom can profess to hybrid expertise and interest areas that lie at the convergence points of several related, but nonetheless distinct, fields. In the expandable/collapsible listings below you will find an overview of our individual areas of proficiency, our work media, and the creative/research topics as well as the theoretical areas which especially interest us or relate to us. Please navigate through them in order to find out more about us and the educational opportunities of our program.
For further information about Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Graduate Program, please contact Program Coordinator Asst. Prof. Onur YAZICIGİL (onur.yazicigil@sabanciuniv.edu).
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