Master of Health Science Dentistry – Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Yeditepe University: Tuition: $27500 USD Full Program
History: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Master programme has been founded in 2000 and gave its first MSc degree in 2002.
Goal: The aim of oral and maxillofacial surgery master program is to educate a dentist who is able to perform up to date scientific developments and clinical procedures in oral surgery.
Objectives: The objectives of oral and Maxillofacial Surgery MSc programme is to educate specialists who are clinically and scientifically sufficient for planning and performing original researches, create new ideas and to be able to perform high quality health services, evaluate and integrate emerging trends in health care as appropriate, can apply ethical and legal standards in the provision of oral maxillofacial health, decide and take responsibility of decisions, have appropriate interpersonal and communication skills, provide prevention, intervention, and educational strategies.
Qualification Awarded: The MSc's Degree in Maxillofacial Surgery is awarded to the graduates who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum.
Language of Instruction: %100 English