Master of International Business Management (Non-Thesis) at Halic University: Tuition: $6.000 Entire Program (After Scholarship)
Until 1980s the term “exporter” meant a company which is capable of arranging customs and foreign exchange formalities of goods ordered by foreign buyers in most of the developing countries. Similarly, “importer” meant a company who have the ability of customs clearance of goods forwarded by foreign sellers. For example, most of Turkish exporters and importers did not have direct communication with their foreign counterparts. Exporters used to sell their commodities through buying agencies or purchasing representatives of foreign companies. Importers used to buy through sales representatives or agencies of foreign sellers. Naturally, foreign companies’ sales or buying conditions prevailed both in export and import transactions.
Depending on the achievements in transport and telecommunication technologies and evolving multilateral trading system new globalization era after 1980s, has changed business visions of developing world companies as well. Representatives of companies of developing countries are canvassing throughout the world to find markets for their goods and to find suitable procurement sources for their needs. Meaning of “exporter” and “importer” terms have also evolved so as to include entrepreneurs who conduct market research to find suitable customer for their goods, search suitable sourcing channels for their needs, try to forecast market demand, design new product for changing market demands and try to increase value added of their goods by including various services. From now on, there exist departments within the companies such as international marketing, international sourcing, business development, international finance, and international operation management etc. Electronic trading has become another reality in our world today.
Almost all internationally operating companies find themselves within an international supply chain. In reality, what an international trading company does can be described as supply chain management. International supply chain management requires high qualified man power for all positions.
Taking into account the needs of our era and prominent graduate programs, the curriculum of Haliç University International Business Management Graduate Program was reconstructed in 2018. The courses in our curriculum have been redesigned to introduce the global trading system to our students, to give competence in international marketing, international procurement, global supply chain management, logistics, finance, e-commerce and operations management. Since the beginning of 2020, International Business Management Program is being applied in English
Our students who have completed our program successfully could find career opportunities in various departments of internationally operating companies, chambers of trade or industry, exporters’ or importers’ associations, multinational companies, various governmental bodies which have foreign economic relations, foreign countries’ commercial representations etc. Other companies giving commercial service to exporters or importers such as, banks’ foreign transaction departments, insurance, commercial surveying, international logistics, customs brokerage companies etc. constitute other career opportunities.
While our non-thesis program prepares our student to the needs of international business, thesis program presents the opportunity of academic career additionally.