Master of History & Theory of Architecture (Thesis) at Istanbul Bilgi University: Tuition: $10.000 Entire Program (Scholarship Available)
İstanbul Bilgi University History and Theory of Architecture Master's Program is designed together with the Architectural Design Master's Program within the Faculty of Architecture. The program offers a comprehensive perspective that recognizes design as an integrated field that unites different areas of culture and production. With a focus on multiple scales ranging from the macro-level of geography to the micro-level of individual experience, the curriculum encompasses urban contexts, architectural spaces, object design, landscapes, and nature. Cultivating critical thinking and exploring the theoretical underpinnings of design culture in these diverse fields is of great importance and creates an environment conducive to intellectual engagement and scholarly research. The re-evaluation of design technologies and production methods is actively encouraged, using both creative and critical thinking to promote innovation and progress in the field. History and Theory of Architecture Master’s Program admits students with undergraduate degrees from all design disciplines. The program is a master's program with a thesis. All students are required to complete the thesis work and defend it in the thesis jury in order to receive a diploma. Students choose their advisors and thesis topics at the end of the first semester. The criteria for writing the dissertation, the defense process and the formation of the jury follow the rules established by the Institute of Graduate Programs. The program encompasses a curriculum that includes compulsory and elective courses, which should be completed within four semesters. The language of instruction is English and therefore all theses must be written in English.
Summer School
The program regularly organizes a series of summer workshops to promote integration into the international architectural arena and strengthen the institution's global position in architectural education. This initiative provides a platform for academics and designers from different cultural backgrounds to collaborate and interact with each other. Renowned international academics and architects are invited to conduct short-term workshops throughout the summer, providing participants with valuable insights and professional development opportunities.
Extra-curricular Activities
Recognizing the intrinsic value of experiential learning and collaborative production in design education, a wide range of student-led activities are promoted within the graduate programs. These include, "Mekan Konuşmaları" as a prominent weekly seminar series, that creates an environment conducive to listening, dialogue, and meaningful exchange. Esteemed guests with diverse profiles, including distinguished academics and professionals, are invited to participate in these engaging sessions. Through these interactions, students are given the opportunity to engage in insightful conversations, broaden their perspectives and enhance their intellectual growth.